Monday, December 23, 2019

Be Aware When Going to Whole Foods

This morning I stopped by Whole Foods in Chapel Hill for breakfast. I don’t stop there often anymore but this morning I was there…again. As I sat down I remembered being at that same spot on September 11, 2001 and hearing about the 9/11 attacks for the first time. 

Today it was another surprise. I was reading the news on my iPad and came across an article announcing the death of Ram Dass. I was not shocked by the news but really shocked by my response. I felt a deep sense of loss, as if I had lost a close friend. Fortunately, I was alone and could allow myself a few moments to feel the emotion. I found the Ram Dass Facebook page where thousands of people were commenting. I added mine, hoping this simple act might matter to someone. I wrote:

After hearing Ram Dass speak in 1971 my life was never the same. I sense his…Now.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Dallas Cowboys Give Back

Yesterday I had a pleasant text message exchange with Steve Rodriguez who is an extremely nice guy in Louisville.

Steve wrote, “Remember that Cowboys jacket I got from u a while back?”

I remembered because the jacket had a history. About 10 years ago a generous woman, Laura Ring, gave me a bag of clothes to share with some panhandlers in my neighborhood. Laura had an unusual but admirable respect for the panhandlers and their difficult lifestyles. Included in the bag of clothing was an almost-new Dallas Cowboys leather jacket. 

I made a decision to take the really cool leather jacket intended for the homeless guys and instead give it to the only Dallas Cowboys fan that I knew – Steve Rodriguez. I asked my wife to wrap it up so we could give it to Steve for Christmas. I enjoyed watching Steve open and appreciate the gift. I also felt a slight ambivalence because I knew the homeless guys in my neighborhood might have hated the Dallas Cowboys but they would have appreciated the warmth of that jacket.

Steve’s message yesterday continued. “I went to a function with the Portland Christian School to feed the less fortunate during Thanksgiving and I found a Cowboys fan that needed a winter coat and I gave it to him. He loved it and I was blessed.”

It took about ten years but the jacket finally found its destination. 

I texted back to Steve, “Thanks for paying it forward. If it ever comes back to me I will give it to you again.”