Saturday, May 15, 2021

Time Really Is an Ally

The day before the Presidential election in November I wrote a conciliatory message to my friends and family who support Trump. However, following the riots on January 6, 2021 I no longer felt so magnanimous about Trump supporters so I deleted the message.



Right now, it appears that most of us have survived the pandemic. All of the people close to me are vaccinated except grandson, Finn who is still too young to be eligible for the vaccine. 


The speed with which this vaccination process has occurred is further evidence that time really is an ally. 


However, about this time last year I made some grandiose predictions about what we might learn from the pandemic. I thought we might gain a greater awareness of how interconnected all of us are on planet Earth. I thought we might learn how to transcend cultural barriers that impede the kind of collaboration that is necessary to solve global threats to our existence. I thought individuals and governments around the world might be inspired to work together in mutual self-interest. I was wrong about almost all of that. Instead of transcending cultural barriers we have continued to reinforce some of the worst examples. 


Yet, time remains an ally and the pandemic has inspired some brilliant glimmers of the upside of human nature. The most significant example is the collaboration of governments and Big Pharma to create, test, approve, and distribute vaccines that give us more time to self-correct before the next challenge to our evolution. 

Time by The Chamber Brothers