Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Killing for Money or Politics?

Would you regret shooting a man you never met
right in the eye
then watching him die
then wrapping him in a sheet
and throwing him in the ocean
without even a sense of mixed emotion
calling it an operation done
with surgical precision
as if you were some kind of physician trained to heal
instead of calling it an assassination by a covert Navy Seal

Do you ever question if you were definitely the good guy
and that your prey absolutely deserved to die?
No judge, no jury, no clear understanding of exactly what he did
but one side was certain that he was a demon even though others were screamin'
that he was a hero who had been redeemin'
the lives of many others killed by the "great Satan"
while the governments on all sides kept placatin'
people with bullshit explanations
of who was right and who deserved extermination

Do you wonder if the whole story is a a matter of perspective?
Cause we used to give him money to carry out our directive
When he killed Soviets with our money and our supplies
I guess we ignored it or maybe concealed it with lies
Do you wonder if he was hidin' out for such a long time
just waitin' for some kind of sign
that we had changed our minds again and put him back on the payroll
cause he knew our intelligence and our money doesn't have a soul
Man, I wish that one of us somewhere on some side had the insight
to know that killing people for money or politics just ain't right.

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